We invite you to browse through this gallery of kisses. Every kiss has been submitted in support of equal rights for the LGBT community. The more kisses shared between same-sex couples the more familiar those kisses become to the world - and the more apparent it becomes that all love is equal. Enjoy these kisses and the stories behind them. The world is a better place for all this love.

Joey and I met years ago and we haven't been apart since. Joey is the light of my life. I can't imagine him not being by my side. He's kind generous soft spoken and very loving. Equality is important to us because we feel we shouldn't have to hide our love for each other.

"Our wedding."

After being denied a marriage license in their hometown of Key West, FL, in the spring of 2014, Aaron and Lee filed a lawsuit against clerk and comptroller Amy Heavilin, becoming plaintiffs in one of Florida’s first marriage equality cases (Huntsman v. Heavilin). They were married after the stroke of midnight on January 6, 2015, in Key West, in the first same-sex wedding in the Florida Keys. (Photo: Nick Doll Photography)

Naiomy and Liz live in Tampa, FL, with their three children. Friends since high school, they became a couple in 2011, after Liz hosted an event at a local gay club. Writes Naiomy, “We had a deep connection. I had never been with a woman and never expected it but I fell in love with her. Being with Liz finally made me understand that love isn't about a type or what you think you're looking for. It's finding your other half and being open to it."

Kimmy and Barbie Denny have been together almost 10 years and are dedicated advocates for marriage equality. Writes Kimmy, “We have fought so very hard to have marriage equality in our beautiful state of Florida.” They were married as soon as same-sex marriage became legal in Florida, on January 6, 2015, at Chillura Courthouse Square Park in Tampa.

Kirk and Kevin were married at Smathers Beach, in Key West, FL, on Saturday, January 24, 2015. Three years ago they met at a bar and exchanged numbers. They were marred the day after the 3rd anniversary of their first date. (Photo: Nick Doll Photography)

Nicole and Andie met through an online dating site. “We were both so nervous on our first date, one's hands were shaking and the other one was nauseous!” writes Andie. “I’ve never thought of myself as buying into cultural expectations, but marriage equality to me feels like acceptance. No one can tell us we are second-class. We are so happy to have this opportunity to live our lives out together. It is a gift that we both recognize is too precious to waste.” (Photo: Thompson Photography Group)

“We have two beautiful boys from my previous marriage,” says Crisitina, “but within the next year plan to start our own family. I married my best friend and soul mate. We have overcome struggles most people have never known. LOVE conquers all. If all human beings would realize that this world would see less suffering and be a more beautiful place. Marriage equality is a step in the right direction.”

Writes Andis, “It was love at first sight. I am from Cuba and came here in a boat in 1991. Renato is from Brazil and came to the US in 1999. We got married on January 24, 2014. Being married to us means that we get to make our love official to the world. For us, it is a dream come true.”

Writes Jason J, “I’ve had my son now for 19 years. I tried to do what society said was proper even though I knew I was just fooling myself. Austen was born with a chromosome disorder called Prader-Willi Syndrome. His mom didn’t stay with us passed his first year. Jason chose to climb aboard and take this ride with us, and I must say that took some nerve. Equality only seems proper to me. One shouldn’t judge. I’m quite a simple person. And if I can get it, so should most in this world."

Rene and Frederick were one of the first couples to marry in Orlando, FL, on Jan. 6, 2015. “Both of us live our lives as examples of the possibilities that are available to us all. We were both homeless at one point & decided to change our lives by going into treatment at the Center for Drug Free living. We are both HIV positive & try to give a voice to those who aren't comfortable speaking up. We hope we inspire others to live their truth & never doubt what can be accomplished."

"We kiss for equality everyday!"

"It's been a little over a year, and sparks are still there between us! We have the greatest life together here in NYC!! I couldn't ask for anything more!! She's the love of my life, and always will be!"

Maureen and Pat have been together 21 years. Writes Maureen, “It is the light inside each one of us that is important and so uniquely beautiful.”

“Our Kiss for Equality — at Cabrillo Beach, CA.”

Writes Suzie, "Hi. My name is Suzie (the kisser) and Juli (the Kissee) is my partner. We met in high school 32 years ago and lost touch after graduation when Juli joined the army. After 26 years of living totally different lives, I found my best friend again and discovered she had fallen in love with me in high school (I had no idea). Now, on Feb. 5, 2014, my birthday, we will be getting married in New Mexico, and I couldn't be more ecstatic to be truly marrying my best friend. Thank you!"

Writes Joel: "We just got honored a flag that was flown in a UH-60 "Blackhawk" Helicopter flown in Kuwait in support of Operation Enduring Freedom! In honor of me Joel Jeremy Herrera and my fiancé Michael Darin!"

"This is my sweetums and I while visiting my family. Soon we plan to get married and have lots of babies in our future. I look forward to spending my life with him in 'bliss'"

Writes Chi,""My name is Chi (left) & I am in the arms of my soul mate Chris. 6 years ago she walked into my line when I was a cashier at Safeway. She told me she liked my smile and since that day I could not stop thinking about her...I moved across the country and she relocated to prove her dedication to me...My belief is the right one will never give up on you. That's what love is. We hope one day every member of the LGBTQ community will have the privilege to say I Do.♡"

Writes Sam: "This is my girlfriend Amanda & I in front of the Equality House in Topeka, Kansas. We went to see the Equality House for the first time together after we got out of the hospital because Amanda had broken her wrist in a merry-go-round accident. We have now been together 3 1/2 months. Some of our family and friends do not agree with our choices on who we love but, she is the missing piece to my life. I have never been so happy to say "I love you" to someone and know that she loves me.

Writes Kaydee, "Love defies both sex and gender. I met my girlfriend Olivia (she's the blonde) in March. Two transgender women who had no idea whom they were looking for in life found each other that day and haven't looked back since. Not long after we met, we were at a party when the urge to kiss overwhelmed us. Next thing we know, there's cheering and flashes going off, and the moment was forever immortalized in this beautiful photo. I love you Livi, more than I know how to express!"

Writes Heather, "These are our wedding photos from Texas! We were married April 13, 2014 at a personal ceremony here in Texas…we made it official on our honeymoon to Washington in a civil ceremony in Seattle. It was so comforting to be able to walk around holding my new wife's hand in Seattle. Here in Texas that's not so welcomed. Luckily we have a great support system around us. Hopefully Texas will be in the groove of things soon."

A Kiss for Equality from Innsbruck, Austria. Global Kiss-in, Sept. 8, 2013. Shared by Tatjana Lintner.

"On our wedding day. Had to go to New Jersey. 1/31/14. Took 42 years to get this far. How far can we go now? LOL"

"We had a wedding ceremony in Brown County, Indiana. We have been married two years. We actually met online. Both of our families attended our wedding, and they couldn't be happier for us. She is the love of my life and best friend."

Writes David, "